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Last Updated: Jun 28, 2023     Views: 35

Start your research at , the official source for federal legislative information and materials on current and past legislation. From the choices on the top white menu bar, select Legislation and you will be able to search for all U.S. Congress legislation since 1973.

To limit the scope of your search, you may select from dropdown menus for Congress (e.g., the 113th Congress for 2013-2014), bill type, status of legislation, subject, chamber, committee, sponsor, cosponsor, or party.

Other resources for current legislation include the following:

FDSys - The primary source for free, online, published, official and authenticated government information. Includes Congressional bills, budget, documents, prints, and reports, hearings, the Congressional Record, the Constitution, the Federal Register, the United States Code, Presidential Documents, Public and Private Laws, United States Code and Statutes at Large. Links to the CGP (Catalog of Government Publications), news, offices of the Inspector General, Congressional Relations, and more.

CQ Magazine - Formerly CQ Weekly, this weekly news magazine features in-depth reporting on public policy, politics, congressional legislation, and elections extending back to 1983, including: a complete wrap-up of news on Congress, the status of bills in play, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates, and all roll-call votes.

ProQuest Congressional: 1789-present. Some fulltext from early 1990s-present.Subjects covered include U.S. bills, committee prints, Congressional Record, Code of Federal Regulations, documents, Federal Register, hearings, laws, legislative histories, members, and regulations. GovTrack is a government transparency website. The site helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives’ legislative record.

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