There are a few sources that would be good starting points to locate legal information for nursing subjects.
If using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database, an optimal way to search is by using the CINAHL Headings and the subheadings. To search for material about legal aspects of advanced practice nursing, use the CINAHL Heading for Advanced Nursing Practice and the subheading Legislation And Jurisprudence (LJ).
This is a tutorial on Using the CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings Feature
Another option would be to use the PubMed + Full Text LinkOut database. An optimal way to search is by using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) available under 'Explore'. In this database the subject heading would be Advanced Practice Nursing with the subheading legislation and jurisprudence.
Here is additional guidance for searching with the MeSH database
Another option would be the LexisNexis/Nexis Uni database available on the databases list. This resource has searchable documents and records from more than 45,000 legal, news, and business sources.
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