You can go to the Library's homepage and click on the "Databases" link below the Search box. On the A-Z Databases page, you can click on "D" on the A-Z Databases. When you scroll down, you will see the Dissertations & Theses @ SUNY Stony Brook and Dissertations & Theses Global databases.
Here's what you can expect to find in these databases:
Dissertations & Theses @ SUNY Stony Brook: Fulltext. PDF versions of Stony Brook University dissertations, plus 24-page previews. Fulltext.
Dissertations & Theses Global: Fulltext and citations. Contains 1.2 million full-text dissertations, including most dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works. Includes 2.7 million citations to dissertation and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day.
For more information on Dissertations and Theses at Stony Brook University, please see our online guide listed below.
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