The best way to find nursing research articles is by using the database CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature). The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database is also available from the Health Sciences Library list of databases.
On the main search screen of the CINAHL database, there is a box for Search Options and then Limit your results. Under Publication Type scroll down the option list until you come to Research. Selecting this limit will limit your articles to those materials that the database indexes as a research article.
If the article you need must be published in a nursing journal there is another option that may be of interest. Scroll down the Journal Subset list to limit your article retrieval to only those articles published in nursing journals. One more limit that may be of importance is that the article has gone through the peer review process. Searches can be limited to those articles by clicking on the Peer Reviewed check box in the Limit your results section.
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